
I’m Rudi and I’m the gal Rudi Joy Photography.

I am a Nebraska native living in the beautiful state of Arizona with my Husband, Jesse. I grew up visiting but never expected myself to call Arizona home but I’m incredibly grateful to it home. Hikes are one of my favorite past times as well as almost anything else outside. Give me sunshine, a view, and maybe throw in a charcuterie board for good measure, and I’ll be a good to go for days on end.

Don’t be fooled by any serious pictures I have of myself, while I love creating moody portraits, I am a goof most hours of the day.

I have no shame in being the goofy one, making a fool of myself behind the camera so that you can feel relaxed and at ease during your shoot. I know how hard it is to have a camera pointed at you and want you to feel comfortable when you’re with me, so if what you need to feel comfortable is for me to stand on my head, all I ask is you please let me know in advance so I can practice.

I am honored to be able to help capture the big and little moments because, after all, these moments are what make our lives.

-Rudi Joy